Eileen Klein

Eileen Klein

Arizona Treasurer 2018-2019

The Honorable Eileen I. Klein served as the 34th Treasurer of Arizona. As the state’s chief banking and investment officer, she safeguarded more than $15 Billion in assets and was the steward of the financial activity of Arizona’s $35 Billion state budget and related payments to state agencies, local governments, public schools, and other entities. As Treasurer, she also served as the Chair of Arizona’s State Board of Investment and State Loan Commission and was a member of the State Land Selection Board.

With more than 20 years of strategic fiscal and executive management experience in the public and private sector, Treasurer Klein has a unique financial perspective for this important leadership role in Arizona’s growth and development.

Treasurer Klein has served as Chief of Staff to Governor Janice K. Brewer, where she played a key role in developing and charting the path to recovery following the Great Recession. That plan, centered on economic competitiveness and job creation, resolved the state’s budget crisis, implemented key tax and regulatory reforms, and modernized state government operations through initiatives like personnel reform. Recognizing that education is key to individual opportunity and state success, the plan also protected public education through Prop 100, aligned the state’s P-20 education system under a common set of goals and introduced numerous reforms to promote greater choice for parents and transparency in student outcomes.

Most recently, Treasurer Klein served as President of the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) with oversight of the $5.1 Billion Arizona Public University Enterprise and its nearly 180,000 students at Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University and the University of Arizona. Launched under her leadership, the ABOR Enterprise plan created a more student-centered, performance-driven, accountable, and transparent public university system. Today, Arizona’s public universities are recognized as among the most competitive, cost-effective, and successful in the country.

In the private sector, Treasurer Klein served as Chief Operating Officer and Vice President of State Affairs for a Fortune 25 healthcare company.

Treasurer Klein‘s public service includes numerous business, community and philanthropic organizations. She currently represents Arizona as an appointed commissioner for the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) and is chair of Achieve60AZ, Arizona’s statewide alliance to encourage education beyond high school. She is a member of the Valley of the Sun United Way Board of Directors. She previously served as a gubernatorial appointee to the Arizona State Board of Education. Among her numerous honors she was named Phoenix Business Journal’s ’25 Most Admired Business Leaders’, ‘Leader of the Year in Public Policy’ by the Arizona Capitol Times and the ‘Transformational Leader of 2018’ by the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

A native of Alaska, Treasurer Klein is a graduate of Florida State University and holds a Master of Public Administration from Arizona State University.

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