04 May Lucinda Mahoney
Alaska Comm. of Revenue 2020-2022
As commissioner, Ms. Mahoney was responsible for the following functions: Treasury, Tax, Child Support collection, and distribution, distribution of the Permanent Fund Dividend, and Economic Research and fiscal planning. She was a Trustee for the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation that provides oversite for Alaska’s $82 Billion savings account. She was also a trustee for Alaska Retirement systems, where the assets under management are $33 billion. Ms. Mahoney was a board member of the Alaska Housing Authority as well. The commissioner provides policy advice and support for the Governor’s initiatives.
Ms. Mahoney has over 30 years of broad business experience in the areas of public finance, consulting, treasury, debt management, investment management, budgeting, reporting, strategic planning, audit, Sarbanes Oxley, business valuations, and shared services. Over the years, she has worked with Fortune 10 oil companies, government agencies, Alaska Native Corporations/villages, large and small businesses, and not-for-profit organizations. Formerly, Ms. Mahoney was the CFO for the Municipality of Anchorage, where she was responsible for the fiscal management of the following functions: budget, public finance, accounting, treasury, purchasing, technology, tax assessment, and 49th State Angel Fund. She provided leadership and fiscal governance that enabled a credit upgrade to AAA. Ms. Mahoney also managed the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC) shared services center. Prior to that, she was a Director with KPMG LLP managing its business consulting practice in Alaska. Finally, she held various management positions in accounting, analysis, systems, and audit during her career with ARCO, a multi-billion oil company.